スクリプトを中心、自主制作物を公開していきます■Objects to nParticle
Generator for Maya with Python (2020.4.17)
(1) Objects to nParticle
(2) nParticle to nParticle
(3) MASH point to nParticle
動作環境 Maya2018
(3)MASHノードを選択して実行すると、MASH pointの位置にParticleを持つnParticleを作成します(動画3:23)
The three main functions are
(1) Select multiple objects and execute to create nParticles with Particles at the object positions (video 0:00)
(2) When you select multiple arbitrary nParticles that already exist and execute it, nParticles with particles at the same position are created (video2:37)
(3) Select and execute a MASH node to create an nParticle with Particles at the MASH point position (video3:23)
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